There are many things you can do to solve this problem. Understanding the source of the problem is critical. Bad breath can be caused by issues that are not directly coming from you mouth. It is important to see your dentist and primary care physician to rule out common problems that contribute to bad breath such as post nasal drip due to allergies and gastric reflux disease, gum disease and tooth decay. These issues need to be treated in order to get rid of the bad breath. If these conditions are ruled out the following can be done:
1. Brush your teeth and tongue at least twice a day. Some people prefer to use a tongue scaper.
2. Use dental floss to clean between your teeth.
3. Use a mouthwash to freshen your breath, preferably alcohol free.
4. Drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
5. Avoid foods that can cause bad breath, such as garlic and onions.
6. Chew sugar free gum
7. Schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings with your dentist to rule out dental issue causing the bad breath.
8. Quit smoking and avoid tobacco products